Evidence and case management
for regulators and justice agencies

Configure custom fields, objects, interface elements, and business rules to suit your workflows, terminology, and users.
Flexible hosting location
Deployed in any AWS location globally to meet your data residency requirements.
Elastic and performant
Scales up or down easily to cater for fluctuations in usage.
Private cloud
We can deploy your solution in a dedicated single tenancy to meet your compliance and security needs.
Deep expertise on hand
Workflow and best practice guidance from EDT's team of industry experts.
24x7 support
Delivered from our international service desks.
Industry-recognised security
ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications, SOC 2 Type II audited, and a commitment to continual improvement.
Software as a service
EDT is an enterprise-level SaaS solution delivered in your choice of Amazon Web Services cloud locations around the world. Our software is charged as a monthly or annual fee.
Control and security
We can deploy your solution in a dedicated single tenancy to meet compliance and security needs.
We give you the flexibility to manage your own users, permissions, custom fields, objects, business rules, and workflows – but our expert team is always available if you need us.
Data residency & protection
EDT can be deployed in over 40 countries, so you can choose the data residency location that best serves your needs.
We apply robust technical, architectural, and legal mechanisms to protect your confidential data.
EDT’s team of solution architects and certified AWS experts maintain the environment for you, so you avoid the hassle of buying, updating, and maintaining back-end infrastructure. This mitigates your risk, ensures 24x7 availability and frees up your team to focus on your core business.
Import and prepare
Import large volumes of data and manage difficult data types
1000+ file types
Extract metadata and full text from more than 1000 file types including:- Lotus Notes, forensic images, EDB, PDF portfolios
- Load files including Summation, Relativity, Concordance, Ringtail, Excel, CSV
- Mobile phone data
- Social media and instant chat data.
Intelligent processing
Manage complex and difficult data types with intelligence processing features including:- Extract text with integrated OCR
- Open password-protected files
- Extract embedded files and maintain container relationships
- Detect duplicates
- Preserve email family relationships
- Detect data deleted from email boxes
- Extract geo-location metadata
- Identify concepts and text patterns.
- Analyse data during import – no need to wait for processing to finish
- Quickly, intuitively delimit scanned paper documents
- Suppress noise such as system files, spam, logo files and email footers
- Analyse images with AI.
Easy, browser-based imports
Easily import large volumes of data with an intuitive browser interface.
- Quickly load data into multiple cases concurrently
- Capture configuration in templates for easy re-use and consistency
- Easily upload single documents such as last-minute submissions on the day of trial
- Automate data ingestion workflows using EDT's API
- Import and process data securely from a browser – no need for desktop tools or technical interfaces.
Investigate and visualise data to prioritise the most relevant items for review
Develop compelling case narratives, cull irrelevant data, and prioritise the items that tell your story, with techniques including:
Concept clusters
Customisable keyword lists
Correspondence analysis charts
Email threading visuals
Domain analysis
Key person name normalisation
‘Find similar’ features
Cull irrelevant data or prioritise documents for review
View document contents during analysis before committing to cull
Suppress irrelevant items such as logos and signature files
Detect languages
Evaluate and classify evidence to support the case narrative
Intuitive, powerful, browser-based searching using keywords, metadata, and filters
Search for regular expressions (regex)
Search across multiple cases concurrently
Auto-redact terms (such as personally identifiable information) across an entire case automatically.
Turbocharge keyword searches with reusable, theme-based lists
Review and redact near-native files using built-in HTML5 viewer
Redact all files, even Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, without converting to image format
Customise review screen layout and content to accommodate different users
Find the most relevant items first using our AI-powered continuous active learning workflow
Apply redactions and annotations to video and audio files
Apply permissions to different layers of annotations, markups, and redactions
Deliver reviewed items for hearings, court cases, or disclosures
Export documents in industry standard load file formats including Concordance, CSV, DOJ, Microsoft Excel, Relativity, Ringtail, Summation, and SEC
See produced versions and history for each document with a full audit trail
Apply flexible Bates numbering including the ability to assign new production numbers
Create TIFF or PDF images in advance or on the fly
Customise placeholders and slip-sheets for any file type
Apply permanent redactions and remove underlying text at production time
Use concurrent, distributed processing to speed up large productions and tight deadlines
Prepare for hearings and present documents in court
Automatically update exhibit lists during trial
Create, merge, and split exhibit list during trial
Create custom fields to manage exhibits before and during trial
Build chronologies and link documents to events
Automatic hyperlinks to document references in transcripts, submissions, and affidavits